Property Safety Instructions

Property Safety Instructions

Property Safety Instructions

Hygiene & Safety Covid-19

The health and safety of our guests are our top priority, which is why we strictly adhere to all protective measures.

According to the National Public Health Organization, fever is one of the most common symptoms.

Room disinfection before guest arrival is based on health protocols. All disinfections, both external and internal, are carried out with certified cleaning/disinfecting agents. Each room and area of our accommodation is sealed after preparation to welcome the next guest. We will welcome you to a comfortable and hygienically safe environment.

Check-out is at 11:00 a.m., while check-in is at 4:00 p.m. to allow for thorough room cleaning. In case there is no arrival in the same room on the day of departure, check-out is by appointment.

Regarding the rooms, the air conditioning in all rooms is autonomous units and not part of a central air conditioning system. They have all been serviced, disinfected, and will be disinfected after each departure. The rooms are cleaned with great care, ensuring a safe, clean environment for every guest.

The pool requires special attention and operates with increased safety measures, which must be followed for your safety. Hand disinfection is mandatory upon entering the pool area.

In the pool, the placement of umbrellas and sunbeds will strictly follow health protocols and distances. Each sunbed will be disinfected before your arrival. Guests will be asked to remove all personal items upon leaving the pool area. The pool operates with fresh water that is continuously recycled 24 hours a day, every day. All required procedures for pools will be fully followed.

Thank you for your preference and trust,

Management of Aldea Rooms